Sahara. sharing experience. 2024 - ENG: trip for connection between spirit spreading people

A tour specially designed for people working in the fields of yoga, meditation, coaching, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, breathing techniques, movement, sound, creativity and and and ...

A tour designed to connect.

With ourselves. And with each other.

In a unique setting.

November 02 to 08, 2024

Aim of the tour:

We are offering this tour to expand our network.

You will benefit from a unique travel experience among like-minded people, the direct exchange of individual experiences - as preparation for a retreat/camp/trip, which you may want to offer yourself with us or can recommend with confidence - and from the self-supporting price of € 720*.

We will benefit from your individual experience, your impulses, your new experiences in the desert and the circle with which you will share them.

Note: this tour is also available for regular participants (1190 €).

getting together.

About us: We are Linda Binzegger and Marja Aurin. We love working together and the enriching impulses that meeting new people gives everyone. We focus on working with people who value and want to experience working together. Far from thoughts of competition or the sometimes overwhelming feeling of having to do everything alone.

About you: You feel the spirit in this world. And you bring it to other people through your work. You can imagine offering a retreat or a trip to the desert with us and/or recommending it to others.

Perhaps the desert has been calling you for a long time, or you are hearing the call for the first time?

We look forward to meeting you!

Marja Aurin, yoga teacher and geoscientist, traveled between Antarctica and the Arctic for work between 2018 and 2020. Her longing to explore new worlds led her to yoga in 2009. Since 2017 she has also been working as a self-employed yoga teacher, giving international and online retreats and workshops. She complements her yoga-focused work with meditation, ThetaHealing, Ayurveda and creative soul scribbling. Since 2024 she has been offering yoga retreats on Crete and in the Sahara.

0049 176 978 09 636 | |

Linda Binzegger, born in Switzerland, fell in love with the desert and moved her life to southern Morocco 3 years ago. Together with her experienced team, she has been offering desert hikes with dromedaries in small groups ever since. Since 2024, she has also expanded the special experience of desert trekking with yoga and meditation to enable participants to experience even greater inner depth and breadth.

0041 76 360 42 58 |

Video advertising the regular tour - for your information and anticipation:

The framework is in place, let's fill it with life - with your participation:

This introductory trip will take place from November 2nd to 8th, 2024 at a self-supporting price. On which we encounter the desert, ourselves and ourselves in the group.

We all bring treasures with us that we share on this journey: So everyone offers a small experience in harmony with their individual background (e.g. exercise, meditation, singing, whatever you can and like to contribute), e.g. in the evening around the campfire or in the morning at daybreak.

Sahara. sharing experience.

November 02 to 08, 2024. Marokko.

€ 720 € all icl. from/to Tagounite.

with Marja Aurin and Linda Binzegger and their team of desert-experienced hiking guides and nomads, and lots of dromedaries.

The price of € 720 includes:

A 6-day joint trip with desert trekking & priceless exchange.

accommodation 6 nights (2x Tagounite, 4x 2-person tent - or under the stars :-) - in the desert) | Food (including water, tea) from 11/2/24 evening to 11/8/24 morning | Desert guide & cook | Dromedaries (that carry our luggage) & dromedary guide | Equipment (everything including tents, except for personal sleeping bag)

Extras are (individual): Arrival/departure to/from Marrakech (individual flight, arrival before or on the morning of November 2nd, 2024, departure from Marrakech no earlier than November 9th, 2024) | Arrival to Tagounite on Saturday November 2nd, 2024, e.g. with a comfortable bus from Marrakech (departure at noon, costs approx. €20/person) | Departure from Tagounite Friday November 8th, 2024 (e.g. in the same way, costs approx. €20/person)

Note: This trip is also advertised for regular participants (1190 €) the advertisement can be found here (German language, please use browser for translation):

contact details:

Marja Aurin

Yoga. Meditation. ThetaHealing. SoulScribbling.

0049 176 978 09 636 (that's where you are right here)

and Linda Binzegger

Organisation. Emigrated to live in the desert.

0041 76 360 42 58

www.desert-inspiration. com

Infinitely close to the Kosmos.

There is nothing around you.

And yet everything you need is there.

Are you longing to meet yourself?

Your true and unique self?

To get to know yourself anew in this indescribable and in its originality so open world of the desert?

Are you ready to drop all roles and be completely yourself?

Pure essence. Without distraction.

Give yourself this experience full of wonders.

Experience the wisdom of the desert.

All around you. And within you.

let's connect. and work together.

Our journey together begins on Saturday November 2nd, 2024 in the evening in Tagounite.

The journey can be made in a relaxed manner in a modern bus (we will be happy to give you information about this).

The next day, Sunday November 3rd, 2024, we begin our desert hikes from Tagounite. Daily hikes, after which we set up our campsite in new places.

We will fill the together time in a shared way with whatever we want and can share to create this unique and wonderful journey.

On Thursday 7th of November, we return to Tagounite and set off from there again on Friday 8th of November, e.g. back to Marrakech, or if you have other plans, to other regions.

Marrakech Airport (RAK) can be reached from many German and Swiss airports with direct flights.

Examples of mostly very cheap flight connections to/from Marrakech from/to:

Berlin (BER)

Frankfurt-Hahn (HHN)

Düsseldorf-Weeze (NRN)

Basel (BSL)

and also from France.

we are looking forward to meeting you.

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